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employees’ savings fund(s)
职工储金  detail>>
savings fund
储蓄基金  detail>>
benefit fund for employees
职工福利基金  detail>>
employees compensation assistance fund
雇员补偿援助基金  detail>>
welfare fund for employees
雇用人员  detail>>
contractual savings fund
合约储蓄基金  detail>>
employees compe ation a istance fund
雇员补偿援助基金  detail>>
从业人员 人数 提交者 要求他们在全厂 员工表 职工  detail>>
no savings
无存款  detail>>
储金 储蓄;节省款项;节省开支额 存款,储蓄金 节约;存款  detail>>
advance to employees
职工预支  detail>>
advances to employees
员工借支 职工预支款  detail>>
bank employees
银行行员  detail>>
bonus to employees
职工分红  detail>>
civilian employees
文职雇员  detail>>
commercial employees
商业雇员  detail>>
compensation of employees
受雇人员酬金 职工伤害保险费  detail>>
employees bonus
行员酬劳金, 雇员红利  detail>>